Saturday, October 31, 2015

Acedia programming update

The beautiful procedure of game design has just been completed. Of course this procedure keeps going throughout the duration of production… until something horrible happens and then you have to change the whole game design… again!

Today we will talk about programming. Being our first project with Unreal Engine 4, we decided to code with visual programming, aka Blueprints.

Blueprints are the easiest way for someone who doesn’t want and/or know how to code. Really, it’s a piece of cake to create any mechanic.

The logic is very similar to OOP. But with blueprints you will not see endless lines of code or strange symbols, but many nodes with wires.

Here is a sneak peek of one of our Blueprints:

While programming with blueprints...

Blueprints can help you create an entire game, but if you are a hardcore programmer, you can write the exact same logic with C++. But some things like UMG, Matinees and persona, can be implemented using both technologies.
This is it for now. We will meet again next week!

Until then…See ya!


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