15 of April..!
The day of submission! That's it! All the rush has come to a temporary end...
The game is now on "Imagine Cup Greek Finals" version, so we can use it for live demo in the finals.
But who is behind this game we've been talking to you about so much?
Introducing... us!
Kostas, Panos, Jordan and Manos are the guys who will represent Genesis Game Studios as "Team Genesis" at Imagine Cup 2014 greek finals at Microsoft Hellas.
But let's introduce ourselves:
Kostas - Game Design & Management
He's responsible for designing most aspects, mechanics and systems for the game, as well as the cards, the Characters and all the text you can read ingame and all the wireframes of the game itself. The one who had to get the message across the rest of the members, so they knew what to code and how the characters would behave.
He was also responsible for overall project management and to guide the team through the most difficult phases of the game, from prototype to the playable version the game has finally reached the last days. He is also the team blogger and that makes him feel awkward talking about himself in 3rd person. Marketing and Business are the other fields of the project he has been working as well, along with the deliverables of the World Semifinals or other Challanges such as project blueprint or UX Challenge. He is the Team Presenter for the project.
Panos - Systems Programming
He's the guy behind the cogweels, wielding the glue that binds every crazy mechanic together. In the team, he is known as "The Terminator" for his amazing coding speed as well as his ability to execute tasks one behind another. He quickly grabs his flamethrower every time he detects a bug and instantly kills it with style.
He is the one responsible for making core structures work in our game, such as the Pathfinding, the Combat, Stealing and Looting Systems, the Artificial Intelligence for our bots as well as their behaviors. The doors, walls and the rooms are in the game because of him. He also gave birth to our User Interface by punching in GUI code and every now and then tinkers with the performance of our game concerning bumpmaps, better texturing, lightmapping and overall quality of the visuals of the game.
Jordan - Gameplay Programming
Endless hours on skype would not be the same without Jordan and his contribution to the coding of Dementia. He would initially have a heart attack and then go and attack some gameplay tasks himself as he is responsible for bringing the initial vision of the game through the game prototype.
He is also responsible for most of the Gameplay that Dementia currently has, including usage of Items, Seals and Events, the maker of the Turn Flow System that rotates the Characters, the one who punched in all the different Damage Distribution cases in the Combat System. Without Jordan, Manos and Kostas would not have any Room Editor to create and Design Rooms inside the house.
Manos - Room Designer & Optimization
Every little detail you can see inside the Rooms is because of Manos. Every furniture, or light, or even the small portraits behind a rusty statue has come from him. He is responsible for designing every single room in the game along with Kostas and making sure that every model used is fully optimized for using in-game.
He is checking every furniture for meshes, verts and polys and has to dessimate them in order to be used in the game properly. He also did quite some Art direction with our artists to create models and furniture, as well as the overall quality (look and feel) or our rooms.