Friday, January 17, 2014

The Setting of Dementia : Tales of Blackthorn Manor

It's #CreepyFriday! Time to get you the latest of our dark project.

The Blackthorn Manor is an old house, aging back to the 1920s, the environment sure is telling us a lot about the house itself, you can see broken objects on the ground, debris, junk. The house is creepy, dark and noone knows what happened inside. With the fear of breaking evil seals and triggering a horrific curse, we tread lightly as we explore the rooms of the manor. Dark, Dusty rooms which are now infested with hordes of insects and bats, are some of the places with cracky floors that we will be exploring.

You never know what horrors can occur in the Blackthorn Manor...
The house has internal and external sections. For example, you may find yourself picking up objects at the Junk Room, or you may witness the impossible, while being out in the graveyard of the house. Some rooms also can be outside facing, which gives you a greater grasp of where you are standing right now. But then again, being right next to a window is not a safe option when exploring Blackthorn Manor, is it?

Some Rooms may hold a secret, while others may be keepers of cursed items..
The rooms seem so natural, and the furniture seems so cosy, but noone has ever been to Blackthorn Manor without seeing his friends taken over by a horrible monstrocity trying to backstab them at some very crucial point of the night where everyone's flashlights go out and there is no escape from the manor.

Sometimes you may end up witnessing a vision of the dead owners of the house as a mere warning, other times you may find a lockbox with items inside, and sometimes, nasty ghosts or the evil undead may be tempted to attack you based on your will not to freak out when you see them.

...But can you NOT freak out, when you see a burning man running straight at you, or when an animated table is hurled at you? That's up to YOU. 

See you next week, where we will be showcasing some of the characters who have the guts exploring Blackthorn Manor.

...Experience the Curse!


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