Friday, April 24, 2015

Character Concept Art - The first two characters

Hello everyone!

It’s been two weeks since our last post and here we are with more concepts!

Although this time, we’re actually flexing our muscles even more, by presenting you with some of
the main characters taken right from our story!

So, let us share some insight on who/what you see, by beginning with Albert :

Albert - Full Body Concept Art

An engineer and physicist by study, having attended Eaton college in his younger years and King’s
College after that. His unquenchable passion for all things mechanical, as well as his unwavering
resolve concerning his experiments are the driving force behind this young genius.

Yet, a dark and heavy burden looms on this young man’s shoulders. A burden that remains to be
brought to light…

Introducing our second character, Alma:

Alma - Full Body Concept Art
What do you get when you cross a kind, poetic heart with the luck that August’s stars can bestow
upon a certain person?

The answer lies before you.

A kind-hearted girl, born to a rural family near Reading, the only daughter of her family - and the
only one to inherit the great secret arts that her family’s women possessed. The person whose love
is selfless - devoid of any notion of corruption. A pure-minded girl grown into the perfect kind of
woman that any man would desire to have by his side…

In the end, we are the masks that we choose to wear, are we not?

Friday, April 10, 2015

Doors, Stealth, AI and some Art

How's everybody doing?

Project AH is on its' way to becoming even better, day by day!

At the moment, the door mechanics are being designed and coded into the game, as they have offered quite a challenge for the programming department. You see, it's not a matter of opening or just closing a door. You will have to calculate the position of the player, their direction, and whether they are looking the front or the back of it. All this included, we are working on creating an absolutely natural door-opening mechanic.

Once this is done, we will move on to implementing this mechanic on double doors and thereafter, on locker / wardrobe objects (That will be used as the main mean to actually use stealth in the game).

That would bring us closer to the AI of the monsters. But then again, that would require some monsters designed, and then some puzzles, and then, and then... It's a BLAST! Such projects require time to handle and be developed properly.

So we will keep you informed on how that goes! As you see there is much to be made, and the team is so excited about the development! It's like our little baby, growing up day by day!

For example, here is a sample baby monster concept:

Friday, April 3, 2015

BANG! Unity Event Retrospective & Teaser

Hello everyone!

Another Friday post is here, and boy has it been a full week!

Last week you witnessed firsthand what happens in the minds of the artists and designers, that partake in this endeavor to create a deeply disturbing and horrifying experience. This time, we shall take it to the next step, with some insight on our latest video teaser for Project AH.

For those who have missed it or didn't have a chance to show up, we are now officially revealing the very first video teaser of our game!!!

Here is the video:

So, how does the backstory merge with what you've seen?

"I have been roaming my own house for hours. They are nowhere to be seen. Either something is wrong - my mind, perhaps? - or they are all jesting, waiting to come out of a corner in playful bliss. I can hear her - my daughter - calling me, I can hear that toybox i gave her so many years ago... I was almost certain I saw her, I was convinced that she was the one that called out to me and warned me of the Shadow. Without her I would have perished, or worse. Yet, what still scars me to my very soul's core is what she said when I entered the cellar - "You are being sacrificed, Daddy." It was a calm, ethereal aspect of my little girl's voice. I would also swear that as she spoke, I could see the orbs decorating the twisted cellar pulsate and quake, with fires resembling the deepest parts of Hell. But, in the end, there is no point in thinking too much of it. It was just a disturbing dream..."

Back to our weekly schedule now!

Monday's event went smooth as many people got into the idea of horror game design and game development in general and paid some good attention and asked a lot of questions!

Attendance rate was extremely high and good, as the event was sold out at 300 tickets! At this point, I'll let the pictures talk for themselves:

The time was nigh. And they kept coming... and coming... and coming... until there was no spot left!

The event is about to start. Getting ready for a mind-blowing presentation.

Basic Fundamentals of Visual and Audio Design in Horror Games

Discussion on importance of Player connection and UX in Horror Games.

Creating your first horror dungeon in Unity3D

We loved the Q&A at the end, all you folks seemed to enjoy the event! And the only thing we can say is that there will be more in the future! So stay tuned, never miss anything new!

Aaaaand that's all for now, folks, see you next week!