Thursday, December 19, 2013

Unity3D Event @ Found.Ation

Last week at Found.Ation, we co-organized a Game Development event along with Microsoft Hellas. All sorts of concepts of the game development industry were introduced to the attendees and we would like to thank you all guys for coming over, it was a pleasure meeting and talking to you all.

We hope we can host more events in the future so you can see more of whatever field of the game industry you like!

Some photos from the event :

Dimitris-Ilias Gkanatsios from Microsoft Hellas on
Multiplatform Game Development

Kostas Dokos, our Lead Designer Presenting the Art of Game Design

Kostas, Along with Theodoros Doukoulos, our Product Manager,
presenting Unity Fundamentals

It's Marketing Time! Panel with special guest George Karavias from Anlock

Event Attendance - Presenting Unity Basics
Finally, here is the link for the Game Design presentation as well as the Unity demo: - Art of Game Design - Unity Demo

Thank you all for attending, catch you guys later..!

Sunday, December 8, 2013

First week at MIC is over!

What a crazy week it's been! We had a blast over at Microsoft Innovation Center, on our first days of finally working together as a team. Did you know that we were working over skype for at least 7 months? It's a relief finally seeing each other's faces, going crazy on our laptops in this great workspace we are provided with!

Our website is live, our blog is live, our social media started spreading everywhere, we will do our best to keep the fire burning and inform you guys about our latest endeavors. Speaking of which, the Genesis Team says "THANK YOU" for this initial love by liking our posts and our pages, we would like you to know that it really helps build the morale to keep us going.

The Genesis Team
And we have one more announcement to make! This week, on Saturday, Genesis Game Studios along with Microsoft Hellas, are organizing a Unity3D event! Kudos to Found.Ation for providing the space to do such an event. Don't you miss it if you live near Athens!

Stay tuned for more juicy updates in the week!

Friday, December 6, 2013

Site and Social Media Launch!

Hello people!

Today is Genesis launch day for us and we are super excited about this! Everything goes public, there is no turning back now, we must keep on fighting!

"Grab your swords, your shields and your potions of ultra awesomeness +2 and show to the people what you can do!" - That's today's feeling.

You may visit our site, which you can find either here or on this blog, on the tab "Our Website" and you can see what we are currently working on! Should you have any questions or inquiries about us, don't fear, we don't bite! Send us an Email or try out our contact form in our site!

Any likes or follows are very appreciated, and keeps us going :D

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Hello World!

And we are now officially launching our website, our blog and our very existence in this big world of Gaming Industry, Genesis Game Studios are now live!

Finally, after all this hard work we will be starting this blog, in order to write our thoughts, to share our experiences and to serve as a mere developer’s journal in the holy quest of game development, as we will be posting about the development workflow, design and prototyping.

Should you want to know about who we are, how we are working on our games, which games we are working on and how do we feel about it, this is the place for you!

This will be a great ride towards game development, so have no fear, hop on our ship, join us in our adventure and share the awesomeness!

Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Google+, to catch up with our latest news! J

Catch you folks later!